Friday, February 27, 2009

Me 10 years before and now

Ten years back, I was in college, with lotsa dreams for me (most of them impossible although :D).... and now lots of dreams for my baby :P(possible or not.. they are real anyways :P)

10 years back, I was bothered about my looks.... now also i am bothered... come on.... :D

10 years back, I was worried about staying fit..... now also i think the same thing :D

10 years back, if some new movie comes, I was eager to watch that .... now, i am not bothered

10 years back, my discussion topics mainly included movies, serials and politics, now I don't get much time to discuss any thing... other than my baby.

small children call me aunty now...
10 years back... when a 5year old calls somebody aunty, we used to think her aunty only... even if she is 3-4 years older than me :P
Now if I see a young girl, i mentally calculate the age difference :D
I know all those aunties used to do the same.

1999 and 2009 seems two different era... I may be same person still me at 1999 and me today are totally different.
1999 me will not be willingly befriend with me now :D...
No idea about 2019 ;)